Memories, Sapphire Skies, White Gardenia Belinda Alexandra Memories, Sapphire Skies, White Gardenia Belinda Alexandra

Sapphire Skies and the Russia-Ukraine War

We have all been deeply upset by the outbreak of war between Putin’s Russian army and Ukraine. It’s shocked us, because Ukraine is an independent country, and it should be free to choose its own destiny just as any other sovereign state. It is not a territory of Russia and yet Putin – against the counsel of his closest advisors – saw fit to invade it.

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Navigating the Complicated World of: Mother and Daughter Relationships

Mother’s Day, which is celebrated around the world in May, conjures up images of happy motherhood and femininity – lots of pink; carnations and roses; bathrobes and bath bombs; scented candles and slippers.
It’s a time to remember and honour the woman who brought us into the world.

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Where Do I Get My Ideas From?

This is a question I’m often asked when I give book talks. And I ask it of other writers too! Who can blame us - when we love a book, we are intrigued to know what was it that inspired the writer to create that particular story?

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