Books, Wild Lavender, White Gardenia, Silver Wattle, Writing Belinda Alexandra Books, Wild Lavender, White Gardenia, Silver Wattle, Writing Belinda Alexandra

Love and Other Bruises

In my last substack Love, Poetry and Time Management I wrote about how I had recently subscribed to the BBC Maestro platform and was enjoying the courses. One of those courses was Writing Love Stories by Jojo Moyes.

Although the course is directed at unpublished writers, there is plenty to offer established authors as well. Jojo is not only a warm and humble personality, but she is also an excellent teacher. But before I say more about the course, let’s talk a little bit about love stories.

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Writing, The French Agent, Animals Belinda Alexandra Writing, The French Agent, Animals Belinda Alexandra

The Koalas in The French Agent

The French Agent is set in France and Australia in 1946. The story in France is about a secret service agent on the trail of a war criminal. The story in Australia is about the country coming to grips with the aftermath of the war, including the return of traumatised servicemen and women and the massive migration into the country of displaced people from Europe.

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Writing, The French Agent Belinda Alexandra Writing, The French Agent Belinda Alexandra

After the War is Over - The French Agent

My mother’s family – White Russians from China – had their lives turned upside down by wars and revolutions. Post-war migration to Australia completely changed the culture of the country. So, while there are many novels written about the tense days of the Second World War, I am particularly interested in what happened in the aftermath.

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Writing Belinda Alexandra Writing Belinda Alexandra

Put Some Love Into It

Love can improve your writing – and just about everything else too!

Have you ever noticed that when you feel the emotions of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation it seems as if your heart is swelling and the world is opening up before you?

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Navigating the Complicated World of: Mother and Daughter Relationships

Mother’s Day, which is celebrated around the world in May, conjures up images of happy motherhood and femininity – lots of pink; carnations and roses; bathrobes and bath bombs; scented candles and slippers.
It’s a time to remember and honour the woman who brought us into the world.

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Natasha Lester on Her Upcoming Book, The Riviera House

For those of you who have read my books Wild Lavender, Golden Earrings and The Invitation, you will know that I have a love for Paris and its artists, writers, dancers and entertainers. Fellow Australian author, Natasha Lester, has a similar love for Paris as the home of couture fashion.

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Where Do I Get My Ideas From?

This is a question I’m often asked when I give book talks. And I ask it of other writers too! Who can blame us - when we love a book, we are intrigued to know what was it that inspired the writer to create that particular story?

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Writing, Author Interviews Belinda Alexandra Writing, Author Interviews Belinda Alexandra

Q & A With Author Alli Sinclair

Alli Sinclair’s new book, The Codebreakers, is based on real events and tells the little known story of the young Australian women who worked with Central Bureau in Brisbane, in intelligence services, during the Second World War. It was an exciting read and I had some questions for Alli about what inspired her to write the book and also about her writing habits.

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