How To Dress Like a Chic Cat Lady – Not a Crazy One!

Eryldene. Photo by Belinda Alexandra.

The feline form is beautiful, elegant and feminine. There is nothing like the sight of a ‘little tiger’ to put a smile on any cat lover’s face. It can be a joy to incorporate cat-inspired clothing into your personal style. But up until recently you really only had two choices in cat lady clothing: a shapeless sweater adorned with an applique cat; or to turn yourself into a femme fatale in a tight leather jumpsuit, à la Hollywood Catwoman.

Today’s chic cat lady has so many more choices. One website devoted to cat lady couture is Without doubt, an Australian icon of cat lady chic is the gorgeously gamine TV presenter and author, Jessica Rowe. Check out her Instagram account to view her sporting bold cat graphic designs.

But we all have different tastes, personalities, body shapes and budgets. The most important thing about our clothing is that it should express our personalities and make us feel good. Being small in stature and slightly curvy, clothes that are too bold and brazen don’t really suit me. Lots of patterns and graphics on fabrics can make me look like a sofa from a discount furniture store.


My interpretation of cat lady chic is similar to Parisian chic – less is more! As the famous French couturier, Chanel, once said, ‘Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off.’ I try to apply that philosophy to my style.

I thought it would be fun to share my take on cat lady chic by showing you some of my favourite outfits.

White Coat with Black Gloves


This outfit is all about the feel of the fabric. The coat has a textured weave which works as a contrast to the smooth velvet gloves. The gloves combine nicely with the velvet cat on the purse and the velvet spine of The Divine Feline: A Chic Cat Lady’s Guide to Woman’s Best Friend

Black Gloves


The rings are inexpensive costume jewellery I use to create a bit of ‘cat lady bling’.

Black Dress with Leopard Print Bag


A touch of leopard print contrasted with a plain black dress is a great way to incorporate your wild cat lady side into a professional outfit. Leopard print can be interpreted as sexy, so, depending on the occasion, you might have to incorporate it judiciously. This outfit has a slight ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ touch to it without going over the top.

Leopard Print Dress with Black Bag


This dress and bag reverse the formula above. It’s an outfit that purrs: ‘Watch out kitties, the Jungle Queen is coming through!’

Pink Dress


Pink is definitely my power colour. I feel most myself when I’m wearing it. For some reason, I associate pink with cats although I’ve never met a pink cat! Perhaps it’s the divine feminine meets the divine feline? I incorporate a touch of cat lady chic with the pink cat watch.

Pink Cat Watch


‘What time is it, pussycat?’

Grey Dress with Pink Cat Scarf


A plain grey frock is easy to dress up or down. The pink cat-patterned scarf is a smart-casual touch.

Black top with Jeans and Pink Cat Bag


This cute bag would normally be a touch over the top for my definition of cat lady chic. But for the weekend, and as long as the rest of the outfit is very simple, it can add a touch of whimsy and fun.

Do you have a favourite cat lady outfit of your own? If you do, please go ahead and share it with me in a photograph. If you are okay with me sharing it on my Facebook page, please let me know. You can email me your pictures and outfit description at

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